Help me find a quarter pin

i need a quarter pin which is made up of a single wire and is bent round with one side straight which goes through the hole and the other is zig-zag with half round twists which locks the quarter pin.

places searched : in panjim,the auto shops and some hardware stores

Search and find in Goa, whatever you need

This blog has come to existence due to various situations in which i have found it difficult to locate certain simple things needed in day to day life.

The Electricity Dept. of late has been installing new digital meters replacing old ones.These new meters have caused many people a concern after receiving bills having amounts beyond imagination. This lead to a question as to how our not so ancient elders went about using electricity and used it sparingly. I therefore went around looking for a coal heated Iron, but could not find one. but one thing was certain it caused a lot of amusement to some shop keepers as to who would need one now a days.

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